Monday, June 8, 2015

learning js

The contents are notes from the following site.

Javascript Reference Guide

[Chapter 01]
software: aptana ide, firefox and firebug(

to install aptana on ubuntu 14.04
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer    
sudo apt-get install libjpeg62 libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 git-core
sudo unzip -d /opt
save the following to aptana3.desktop, sand move it to /usr/share/applications
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Aptana Studio 3
GenericName=Integrated Development Environment
Comment=Aptana Strudio 3 Integrated Development Environment
Exec=/opt/Aptana_Studio_3/AptanaStudio3 %F
StartupWMClass="Aptana Studio 3"

js is a scripting language
it working in the web browser
can’t access the local files
cannot’ directly access the database
can’t access the hardware

it is developed to manipulate the web pages

use web browser as the host program

[Chapter 2]

(1) where to put javascript
     put your scripts here!

you can put it in head section or body section
but it is recommended to save it in a separate js file for better management

if you use separate js file, in the main html file, you need to specify the source for script section, like 
 <script src="myscript.js"></script>
then in the myscript.js,
you only need to add the script function or statements

in html5, you need to add script type
 <script src="myscript.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

if you need to lay out the page format using js, put the scripts in the head section.
otherwise, it is recommended to put it at the bottom of body section to avoid delaying page rendering.

(2) where to put comments
     // your comments
     /* or this style*/
    alert("Hello, world!");


(3) create variables
var xxx = 100;
var x,y,z;
var x =10, y = 20;

js supports variable data types
in mac, you can bring out the console window in chrome by using "option + command + J".
Then, you will see the console log.

(4) display data
console.log(), such as console.log(a, b, c)

(5) conditions
if-else, just like C

(6) operators
like C, but "=" usage is interesting
==, check only the value
===, strict equal check, check both the value and data type

js also support ternary operation, like
condition ? true : false;

(7) console usage

(8) loops / iterations
do-while, for, break, continue, their usages are like C

(9) create functions
variables inside the js function are local

Chapter 3 : types and objects

(1) array
var multiplevar= [];
multiplevar[0] = 1;
multiplevar[1] = "hello";

or var array = [10, 200, "my name"];

use array property:

use array methods:

(2) working with numbers
js numbers are double type

to convert  and check whether the data is a number

math object is neat
you can directly call it use

(3) working with strings

string properties
split, touppercase, indexof, slice,substring, substr,
string comparison is case sensitive

(4) working with date

var today = new Date();
// year, month, day
var yr2k = new Date(2000, 0, 1);

compare date using gettime() method, instead of comparing two dates directly

(5) working with objects
var player = new Object(); = "xiaoming"; = 1001;
player.score = 999;

var player1 = {name: 'Fred', score: 80, rank: 2}; var player2 = {name: 'Sam', score: 77, rank: 3};

use this as self reference object inside the function, to facilitate accessing the data

// attach methods (functions) function playerDetails() { console.log(, this.score, this.rank); } player.logDetails = playerDetails; player1.logDetails = playerDetails; player2.logDetails = playerDetails; // show properties using method player.logDetails(); player1.logDetails(); player2.logDetails();

Chapter 4 : Document Objects

working with nodes and elements

element node
text node

use getElementById or getElementsByTagName to find the element node
use innerHTML to extract the text

Chapter 5 : Working with Element Nodes



create dom element

var myElement = document.querySelector('#list') var myNewElement = document.createElement('li'); myElement.appendChild(myNewElement);

var myText = document.createTextNode('New list item text'); myNewElement.appendChild(myText);

var anotherNewElement = document.createElement('li'); var secondItem = myElement.querySelectorAll('li')[0]; myElement.insertBefore(anotherNewElement, secondItem);

Chapter 6 : events and event listeners

some of the events:

method 1:
<button onclick="alert('hello, world');">
run some javascript

method 2:
myelement.onclick= function()
// put your code here
window.onload = function() { ... code ... };
nameField.onblur = function() { ... code ... };
myElement.onclick = function() { ... code ... };

method 3:

document.addEventListener('click', myFunction, false);
document.addEventListener('click', anotherFunction, false); document.removeEventListener('click', anotherFunction, false);

use JQuery (or another library) instead of writing your own cross-browser code

// anonymous function document.onclick = function() { alert('You clicked somewhere in the document'); };

//listener var myImg = document.querySelector('img'); function myFunction() { alert('You clicked the image'); } myImg.addEventListener('click', myFunction, false);

when you put the js file in the head section of a html file, it is recommended to use window.onload() to make sure the script runs after contents are loaded.

onfocus and onblurr
var emailField = document.querySelector('#email'); emailField.onfocus = function() { emailField.value = 'onfocussss'; } emailField.onblur = function() { emailField.value = 'onblurrrrr'; }

working with timers

Chapter 7 : Debugging the javascript

firebug in firefox

Chapter 8 : Building Smart Forms

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